The Pro_Life Office of the Archdiocese of Boston in collaboration with Pope Saint John XIII Seminary invite you to discover,( or rediscover) the beauty of the Gospel of Life in this series of five videos with Mons. William Fay. Please join us as we discuss the Church’s teachings on Life. Enjoy these videos with your family and friends or in your parishes and prayer groups.
CFL is a foundational moral theology curriculum mandated for all Catholic school students and parish faith formation students in Grades 6-8 throughout the Archdiocese of Boston. This dual mandate satisfies the required child safety standards set forth by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops as well as the required chastity, respect life, vocation and morality curriculum set forth by Cardinal Séan O’Malley. CFL is designed to be integrated into your existing religion curriculum in Grades 6-8 and is meant to be taught by the religion teacher, slowly and methodically, throughout the school year, over a period of three years. Regional trainings, ongoing support, books & DVD's are available free of charge. Trainings are held in late Summer/early Fall to prepare for the upcoming school year. In 2014, Created for Love (CFL) underwent a major redesign and is now the only child safety curriculum (this includes programs and speakers) in the Archdiocese of Boston that meets child safety compliance for students in Grades 6-8. Any adaptation of the curriculum and its design without prior authorization from the author is strictly prohibited. All other programs and speakers may be used only in addition to the use of the 2014 CFL curriculum. For questions, please contact